Robert Michael Sheffield, Esq. BA, MA, BFA, JD

Michael Sheffield has been practicing law in Georgia for over 30 years. Michael was born in Atlanta and was raised in Pennsylvania, where he attended university and obtained his BA in Philosophy. His passion for reading and analysis inspired him to obtain his MA in American Literature. Michael’s literary reviews and analyses have appeared in numerous newspapers and scholarly journals. Michael is also an accomplished artist, and spent many of his post university years as an art director. But even working in a completely different field,  knowing that justice needs its strongest advocates drove him to give up his career in art and enter law school. 

After passing the bar, Michael joined a large law firm, where  as a trial attorney he spent many years in court on, as Michael calls it, “the wrong side of the table.” He finally left his law firm, took a long break, and pursued his BFA in painting, after which he established his own art studio. However, once again looking at the justice system from the outside caused Michael to be frustrated with the frequent injustices that he saw. His solution to the frustration was to re-enter the legal world and do his part to fight for justice wherever he could. 

Michael continues that fight and over the years has enjoyed many friendships and relationships in the legal community, and he has earned wide respect across the legal spectrum.

In his spare time, Michael continues his painting, is an avid mountain bike rider and racer, regularly visits the firing range to target shoot with his son (who consistently out-shoots him) and spends quality time with his wife and dog, Miles Davis. He can also be found at many art and music events in Atlanta and elsewhere.